Synergies for abundance
Ella Wheeler Wilcox wrote:
One ship drives east, and another west
With the self-same winds that blow;
'Tis the set of the sails
And not the gales
That tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate,
As we voyage along through life;
'Tis the set of the soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm or the strife.
Working With You As Partners
We recognise that to be successful, we must work with you to achieve our mutual goals. By strongly encouraging an open exchange of information about business objectives and practices, and through sharing results and learning we seek out opportunities that are of mutual benefit. Through investments in these areas we create new value for customers.
Leading By Putting Principle into Practice
A common code of conduct applies for all employees called Principles of Performance. To demonstrate our commitment to them, our annual performance reviews include a component that evaluates the consistent demonstration of these principles in our day-to-day work.
Investing In and Energising Our Team
"Our team" includes our employees, sponsors, clients, suppliers and external advisors. Each year, we invest in people, resources and technology to motivate our team and to ensure that our company and programmes continue to be world-class.
The Future
We believe in growth through innovation. We are driven by a passion to create products, systems and businesses that provide new sources of value for our customers and our employees.
Principles of Performance
We embrace our culture of creating the future first, while treating people with respect and having fun along the way.
Working Together
The foundation, history and success of our company are based on teamwork and innovation, both internal and external. We believe in a supportive team culture and strongly encourage "creative thinking" in our company. We work together with others to create extraordinary teams that will lead us to new levels of growth and success. We believe that all employees can proactively influence their work, their work environment and the results they achieve. They are responsible for creating rewards, results and knowledge for our customers and our company. Voicing their opinions, ideas and feelings to ensure that better ways of doing things are identified and communicated throughout the company is an everyday part of our culture.
Challenge Each Other
We recognise that people are our greatest asset, and that their time and talents should always be respected. We encourage and expect open, honest and direct communications, respectfully challenging others' opinions and assumptions about our business, stimulating discussion and ideas, thus working towards achieving the best results for everyone.
Teach and Learn
We are "learning organisation," where employees create opportunities to be both teacher and student in their day-to-day work. Sharing their knowledge and encouraging others on their team to share ideas. Recognising their mistakes and sharing them with others to make us all better.
Soliciting feedback from those around them on a regular basis and remembering that no one has a monopoly on good ideas.